Friday, October 15, 2010

Spicy Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup

I really enjoyed this "French Fridays with Dorie" pick! It has a unique blend of spices and herbs. It took me awhile to gather all the spices. The star anise was most difficult to find. I finally found it at a local grocery store...a small bottle was $8! I bought it and then remembered about the Indo-Pak grocery store on the way home. So I stopped in there and a huge package of star anise (about 10 times the bottle - no kidding) was $1.99! I couldn't believe the price difference. So I will be visiting there anytime I need some sort of Asian or Middle Eastern spice.

This dish was super easy to make and fun. I enjoyed the aroma the spices lent to my kitchen. And low and behold I love star anise. It tastes like black licorice. I steeped a few stars in some boiling water and sipped it as I cooked. It was great!

This soup is so flavorful and yet light. It could easily be served before a main course, but it was delicious on its own.


  1. I am so jealous you have that Indo-Pak store by you. I found some at Sunflowers Farmers Market here in Orem for 5 bucks. So not as bad...but still.

    I agree, I loved this soup. It was so easy to make and gave me a new-found confidence in ethnic-food making. I loved it! We will definately be making it again.

    I'm off to steep some star anise.

  2. I agree - it did take a while to hunt and gather all the ingredients, but I also thought it as fun. I have never cooked or baked with star anise before and loved the flavor. Your soup looks so pretty and delicious!


  3. The same holds true for fresh herbs. I can buy tons of basil, thyme, etc for $1/bunch but $3.99 will buy you a small twig at the local grocer.
    Trevor Sis Boom.
